Roasted Sugar Beignets

Roasted Sugar Beignets

I have quite a few food heroes and heroines in this world. Countless men and women who have impacted my cooking life in ways they simply couldn’t imagine because, well, they don’t know who I am. I don’t lament this fact. It’s the magic of shared information and art across the great Internet highway. The idea that I can benefit from the experience and expression of a complete stranger is kind of beautiful. And the fact that these strangers unknowingly coached me towards these Roasted Sugar Beignets is nothing short of extraordinary. So, please! Grab a beignet, sit back and let me tell you about the extraordinary women who make these clouds of bliss possible.

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Scallop Wonton Soup with Garlic Chive Blossoms

Scallop Wonton Soup with Garlic Chive Blossoms

When I was a kid, my mom and I had a ritual. If we ever found ourselves alone for dinner, we’d pop over to our neighborhood Chinese joint. The order was always the same: A plate of Shanghai noodles to split and two orders of wonton soup. It wasn’t a common occurrence because I come from a family of 5. But even if my mom and I only split those noodles 4 or 5 times, those moments had a big impact on me. So much so that to this day, I get a warm and fuzzy feeling every time I see wonton soup on a menu. And that feeling was what I had in mind when I whipped up today’s Scallop Wonton Soup.

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Sorrel Falafel Collard Wraps with Turmeric Tahini Sauce

Sorrel Falafel Collard Wraps with Turmeric Tahini Sauce

Would you get a load of that recipe title? Sorrel Falafel Collard Wraps with Turmeric Tahini Sauce. Sounds kinda healthy, right? No, this blog has not been hacked and no, I’m not currently in the throes of an identity crisis. I just thought I’d make something healthy for a change. I finally realized that life is about balance and sometimes- Oh! Who am I kidding? These green falafels are wonderfully and unabashedly deep fried and I’m not the least bit sorry about it. They’re crispy and delicious and that’s where my priorities lie, I’m sorry. There’s still plenty of green action to be found in and around these wraps, which means vitamins, which means health, right? Right?!

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Sweet Pea Chorizo Croquettes with Lemon Ricotta

Sweet Pea Chorizo Croquettes with Lemon Ricotta

Happy Friday everyone! Does anyone else feel like this Friday is particularly festive? I mean, it stands to reason that the Friday before a long weekend (Hello, Victoria Day!) should have a certain buzz about it. And then there’s some kind of wedding or something tomorrow? I don’t know, it’s *barely* been mentioned. So yeah, I guess I should expect this Friday to feel like a party. I mean, I did bring party food. How could it not feel like a celebration? Yes, these Sweet Pea Chorizo Croquettes are my humble contribution to this buzzy Friday. They’re adorable, crispy and addictive as all hell. Basically, they’re everything you want out of an hors-d’oeuvre or canapé. Plus, they have fresh peas! What better way to kick off summer than a bite that highlights the fact that things are growing again? This is a VERY big deal in Canada!

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