Cinnamon Brioche Twists with Apple Cider Caramel

Cinnamon Brioche Twists
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cinnamon stick

I have a confession to make, I don’t recognize coffee cake or cinnamon rolls as breakfast. I know, the horror. How dare I speak ill of meal-time-sanctioned pastries? I swear to you, I am not a joy bandit. But I really can’t help but feel that sugar is no substitute for a meal. And no, I’m not about to launch into a rant about the dubious nutrition of our modern eating habits. Eat the coffee cake, eat the cinnamon roll, have two by all means. But just don’t call them “breakfast”. They’re not and neither are these Cinnamon Brioche Twists.

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Mini Lilac Eclairs

Okay, so today’s recipe is annoyingly seasonal but hopelessly gorgeous. I realize most people don’t have a hefty supply of lilacs at their disposal. And if they do they likely live in a climate where the lilacs are on their way out by now. But look at how pretty these Mini Lilac Eclairs are? Look at them! How could I not share them with you?

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Earl Grey Hot Chocolate with Cardamom Marshmallows

Earl Grey Hot Chocolate with Cardamom
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Well, we’ve finally seen the back of February and I’m quite literally crawling into March. I got walloped by a cold in the final days of the month which is why today’s recipe is a few days overdue. I want to feel the hope and jubilation surrounding the end of the worst month of the year, but honestly, this cold, in addition to zapping all of my energy, has given me the worst case of the blues. So, no I can’t quite turn my attention to the bright hues and promise of spring. I’m still very much in bitter hibernation mode. At this point, the only way to soothe my internal beast is with vats of Earl Grey Hot Chocolate and Cardamom Marshmallows.

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Vietnamese Coffee Caramel Corn

Vietnamese Coffee Caramel Corn

When I started thinking about today’s Vietnamese Coffee Caramel Corn I had no idea it would be so easy to make. Too easy! This corn is so simple, it’s dangerous. Today’s recipe is one of those recipes I wish I could unlearn because I have zero self-control in the face of this corn. I’ve always been a bit of a popcorn fiend but this corn really kicked it up a notch. Oh, and the recipe makes a ton, so you can happily eat your way through a ginormous bag of it until your dentist disowns you…Or you can give it away as gifts. Actually, I’m going to say you *should* give some of it away as gifts. You will immediately regret it but you will be doing yourself a kindness.

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