Warm Duck Citrus Salad with Blood Orange Glaze

Warm Duck Citrus Salad with Blood Orange Glaze
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I despise winter. But I’m sure you already knew that. And now that we’re nearing the end of February, I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But it’s still far too far away for my liking, it’s practically a pinhole, which is depressing, to say the least. So what else can I do in this scenario other than crank up my SAD lamp and start up a new kitchen project like this Warm Duck Citrus Salad? Kitchen projects are the perfect distraction and really, in my book, the only alternative to staring out the window and crying at yet another dump of snow.

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Chicken Satay Rice Skillet with Pickled Veggie Ribbons

Chicken Satay Rice Skillet with Pickled Veggie Ribbons
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Satay is one of those dishes that should never be messed with. Marinated skewered bits of protein cooked over charcoal and serve alongside a creamy peanut-heavy sauce. It’s edible poetry. The earliest form of satay is thought to have come out of Javanese cuisine, but the dish is considered a staple in countless countries throughout South East Asia and beyond. Here, in North America, it graces countless appetizer menus and is recognizable to most people ages three and up. It’s not a dish to be trifled with, and yet, here we are. But to be fair, today’s take on Chicken Satay does not stray far from the original flavor profile. This Chicken Satay Rice Skillet is basically satay with fewer skewers and more carbs. And considering my BBQ is currently under a foot of snow, this is the only satay I’m capable of. So let’s get into it. 

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Chicken Meatball Mulligatawny Soup

Chicken Meatball Mulligatawny Soup
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I am no fan of winter. There’s not much to like about this season, in my opinion. Sure, the snow can be pretty but in a big city, it tends to go gray. And yes, the absence of humidity does lead to good hair days. But no one can appreciate my hair because it’s plastered to my head underneath a toque. Basically, you spend 3-4 months covered in so many layers of clothing that you’re more or less egg-shaped, which isn’t great for the ol’ self-esteem. So I do nothing more than try and survive this season. And my winter survival plan always includes having something simmering on the stove. Crafting low and slow dishes keeps me focused, cozy, and yes happy. And today’s Chicken Meatball Mulligatawny Soup is one of those dishes that so firmly put a smile on my face.

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Coconut Poached Chicken Salad with Wild Rice & Bok Choy

Coconut Poached Chicken Salad with Wild Rice and Bok Choy
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January is all about resolutions and, unfortunately, many of them surround food. Now, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to up your intake of vitamins or cut down on your meat consumption. But a lot of January pacts seem to sound a lot like restricting. The way I look at it is food is sort of a consolation prize for all the other crap this world throws at us. Does this mean we’re always entitled to that bag of Ruffles? No. Balance is important in all things. But the absence of joy is a problem. That’s why today’s Coconut Poached Chicken Salad is a solid mixture of good for you and good for the soul. 

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